Friday, 23 August 2013

Classical Guitar, Ullapool and the BenignTwittershpere

It's so near to the end of the Edinburgh Fringe now; only three more shows after today and crucial that I keep my strength up. One thing that keeps me inspired is how fantastic the audiences are and here is another -  Twitter, bless it's heart.  Here are some lovely tweets that people have shared about my show:

Nick Bush16 Aug lovely guitar recital today. Great programme and good to see modern Brit composers included #EdFringe

Spent lunch break today listening to at C Too venue by castle! Only 3 shows left - great show, don't miss it!

Suzanne Ross7 Aug Classical guitarist is playing at the from today until 26 Aug.

So -  Ullapool... the  name makes me want to set off without delay. (If only it was that easy!).  Here's why I'm thinking about it:-

Friday, 16 August 2013

3 movements of the 'America' suite by Matthew Sear

Here I am (this is Fringe venue 4, the little church of St Columba's by the Castle, on Johnson Terrace, Edinburgh), playing the first three movements of Matthew Sear's 'America': 1. Fanfare, 2. Scherzo and 3. Freeway.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Half way through The Edinburgh Fringe - what shall I do on my day off?

I can hardly believe I've just done 12 consecutive days performing. The audiences have been lovely so far - keen, knowledgeable, appreciative and jolly and the sun has been shining too. Thank you to my C Too stewards and technicians for smoothing my path here at Fringe venue 4. The venue has theatre lighting this year and it brightens up the space and really shows off its elegant architecture. My friend whose camera also does videos has done a short clip or two from a  respectful distance (so these are a bit quiet) and I've met some new people also.

The Carlevaro attracts curiosity as usual and one enthusiastic audience member came up to tell me that the guitar was so interesting  I ought to do a little speech about it - '...even lose one of your pieces,' she said, 'maybe the Satie?' 'Oh NOT the Satie!' came the shocked tones of  a young man standing nearby. C Too has a secret garden tucked away behind the venue where they serve delicious hot food and cold beers and I frequently get waylaid there by my audiences after the show so people do have an opportunity to find out about the guitar. Plus I have to get out of the space the minute I finish, to make way for Umdumo Wesizwe, the wonderful choir from Zimbabwe, who are on straight after me. So what shall I do tomorrow? I have one whole day off. Hmm... I think I might well cycle in to the sports club, play squash, watch a bit of the athletics on the big screen (hurrah for Christine Ohuruogu!!), have a nice pint and then cycle back to my 'home' here in Edinburgh.