Saturday, 23 August 2014

Boogie Night at the Museum - Inspired Fringe Fun

Sound checking in the stately vault of Chamber's Street Museum for my slot on their main stage I was dwarfed by the immensity and splendour of it all and to hear the guitar booming out into the galleries beyond the atrium in such an enormous resounding way made me feel somewhat shy. I chose to do my 2 Sindo Garay Cuban bolero pieces followed by Choros No.1 and the Paco Pena 'Herencia Latina', to end on a rousing note. There was a quiet dressing room up on the top floor where I was honoured to meet the extraordinary Movin' Melvin Brown, who was also on the bill.
Performing in such a lively and glorious setting was a tremendous experience although with so many people all having fun I couldn't exactly hear what I was playing. But I enjoyed myself and I had lots of lovely people coming up to me afterwards, as I explored the exhibitions, to say how much they had enjoyed it. So it was very rewarding.
The National Museum of Scotland - Chambers Street

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Hahaha... would you go and see this?

Thank you, Broadway Baby, for the intelligently composed review and they give me 4 stars (so I'm pleased with that).
It would be interesting to talk to a reviewer. I'd love to ask why does he think it was brave to include 'Usher Waltz'. I have a rip-roaring amount of fun playing that. I don't think it was brave to include it, it was fun to include it. It is great when you see audiences members jumping in their seats! Not many pieces in any intrument's repertoire do that.
On to 'Love is a Cat Skin Rug' the new show from Headless Doctor Theatre Company
The cast of Headless Doctor Theatre Company perform 'Love is a Cat Skin Rug', their exuberant new show
This play uses lots of music and one of the pieces is my recording of 'Lipa Vekovaya' by Serge Rudnev - I am most flattered. The play is a delight and is currently playing to packed audiences as part of the free Fringe. It deserves to be more widely seen. I found it hilarious and also poignant. Very moving. Best of luck to them.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Edinburgh Fringe Here I Come...

I'm doing 11 - 24 August, back at C Too, the Church - venue 4 and you'll find it at 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW; the lovely church of St Columbas' by the Castle. My programme is available by clicking on on the programme tab above. This year I'm also bringing CDs for sale - of last year's programme I hasten to add. So to those who asked me for one last year, I say: come and get 'em!
Book your tickets online here 
So come to       C Too