Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Touring with Music in Hospitals

Hockings ice cream - sensational and my just desert I think (at Westward Ho, mid tour)
Many hours of driving, many winding lanes and breathtaking views, many friendly faces - these have all been part of a tour with the wonderful Music in Hospitals. If you've never heard of them check out their websiteAs it says on there, they aim to '...improve the quality of life, for adults and children with all kinds of illness and disability, through the joy and therapeutic benefits of professionally performed live music in hospitals, hospices, day care centres, special schools, nursing and residential homes.'
As part of the Ruskin Ensemble duo, with violinist Jane Gomm, I've been touring in the West Country for the last few days. There is no doubt about the joy. It sounds like a cliché but when you've seen it with your own eyes it is impossible not to feel moved. It is incredible that music has such an effect and makes me feel privileged that I can play in such settings and feel that it makes a difference. So think of all those people who can't get out to concerts or go to gigs. Visit the Music in Hospitals website and read about their work and maybe even hop to their donations page to donate a pound or two to help them keep up their great efforts in organising musicians to go out and spread the music to places and people it otherwise wouldn't reach.

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