Sunday, 17 July 2016

Look out for big Jons - the countdown to the Edinburgh Fringe

Not long now until I set off to Edinburgh. The tech run is booked for the 3 August. I get to test all the technical aspects of my show - has the chair got all its legs/does the air circulate the same as last year/ er... that's it. It is very trouble free being acoustic.

I've been involved in a few ticket sales boosting activities. I've done an interview for The New Current and become part of a virtual audio walk around the Edinburgh Fringe with a really cool app called VoiceMap

The outdoor posters are going to be appearing all over Edinburgh soon - can anyone who spots one Tweet it to me? Or just tell me in the usual way if you're not on Twitter - I do still talk to non Twitter users!

It will be looking like this although the bigger ones are landscape - there should be some on the railings here and there I think. So it's all getting very exciting.

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